2 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba

NLRB Election Procedures Outlined

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In a memo issued yesterday, NLRB Acting General Counsel Lafe Solomon outlined in detail how regional offices will implement new representation case procedures that take effect on Monday, April 30. The guidance covers the entire representation case process from beginning to end, incorporating to the extent necessary the new rules and the procedures that remain unchanged.The General Counsel’s office also issued a set of Frequently Asked Questions explaining the Board’s revised rules and the procedures that will be followed by regions in implementing those rules in an effort to provide guidance in this area to the regional staffs, practitioners and all members of the general public. The memorandum can be found at: http://links.govdelivery.com/track?type=click&enid=ZWFzPTEmbWFpbGluZ2lkPTIwMTIwNDI2LjcxMjI1NDEmbWVzc2FnZWlkPU1EQi1QUkQtQlVMLTIwMTIwNDI2LjcxMjI1NDEmZGF0YWJhc2VpZD0xMDAxJnNlcmlhbD0xNjk2NjgyMSZlbWFpbGlkPW1tY3F1ZWVuQGJhaXJkaG9sbS5jb20mdXNlcmlkPW1tY3F1ZWVuQGJhaXJkaG9sbS5jb20mZmw9JmV4dHJhPU11bHRpdmFyaWF0ZUlkPSYmJg==&&&101&&&http://mynlrb.nlrb.gov/link/document.aspx/09031d458099457a

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