13 Ekim 2012 Cumartesi

It's Never Too Soon: The Retirement Planning Conference

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Marilyn Sommer, Special Programs

Spring is the time when flowers blossom, when we cast off our winter garb and welcome bright colors and light clothing and when we are reminded of our promises to stay fit and healthy. It is also a time to think about future goals. If one of those is retirement, then hopefully you attended the Retirement Planning Conference which was held on Saturday, April 14, 2012 at Student Center East.

The Retirement Planning Conference is intended to assist UIC faculty, staff, and families in planning for retirement by providing information and access to resources. Retirement planning can never start too soon. Whether you are planning on retiring in three years or thirty years the seminars offer information that assists you in preparing for your retirement. The 400 people in attendance this year were welcomed by Maureen Parks, Executive Director and Associate Vice President, University Human Resources. Next, a presentation on the State of Illinois Retiree Health Plan with insight into the Retirement Steps and Timeline was addressed by Tim Gavin from University Payroll and Benefits Services.

State Universities Retirement System of Illinois (SURS) counselors conducted workshops and seminars covering a wide range of topics for planning and managing your retirement benefits. Representatives of Fidelity and TIA-CREFF provided insight into investment strategies and income distribution at retirement. State Universities Annuitants Association UIC UNITED, UIC Chapter of SUAA representatives were available to discuss protecting your retirement benefits, while other presenters discussed benefit impact on social security and challenges of pension reform.

Of greatest value reported by attendees were the Retirement Planning Expo Fair breakout sessions and the wealth of printed information distributed on arrival.

For more information access the following links:
Retirement Planning Conference http://www.uic.edu/depts/hr/Special_Programs/retirement_conf.shtml
Websites of Interest for Illinois Retirees and the Retiree Guide:
Websites of Interest for Illinois Retirees
The Retiree Guide
For information on protecting your retirement benefits and membership contact SUAA http://www.uic.edu/orgs/suaa/

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