28 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba

AAAA Conference 2013 Call for Presenters

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  AAAA CONFERENCE 2013 CALL FOR PRESENTERS TheAmerican Association for Affirmative Action (AAAA) is seeking presenters toshare their expertise, passion and commitment to promoting diversity andaffirmative action with a national audience during our 2013 National Conferenceand Annual Meeting in San Antonio from May 7 to May 10.  Our theme for the Conference is “Diversity on Trial: The Compelling Case for Affirmative Action inEducation and the Workplace.”
 Weare seeking presentations from professionals with expertise on the challengesfacing affirmative action in Higher Education, Government, and the PrivateSector.  We encourage presentations thataddress our theme as well as other emerging issues, trends, analyses andperspectives related to diversity and affirmative action in education and theworkplace.  There are tremendous benefitsto participation including:
·        Nationalrecognition
·        Opportunitiesto learn and share experiences with others
·        Networking
·        Professionaldevelopment
·        ComplimentaryConference registration
Presentationswill be one hour and fifteen minutes in length, including time for questionsand answers.  Ideally, presentationsshould help conference attendees put theory into practice. Presentation formatand suggested topics are detailed in the following pages.
 AAAAis a national, not-for-profit association of professionals working in areas ofaffirmative action, equal opportunity, human resources and diversity in boththe public and private sectors. Our mission is to promote the understanding andadvocacy of affirmative action to enhance access and equity in employment,economic, and educational opportunities.  For more information about AAAA, pleasecontact us at:
88816th Street NW, Suite 800
Washington,D.C. 20006
 To see the complete Call for Presenters with submission criteria, click here:  http://library.constantcontact.com/download/get/file/1101929144254-118/AAAA+Conference+2013++Final+Call+for+Presenters+112012.pdf 
Proposalsmust be submitted electronically by December 14, 2012 to the following:
MatthewJ. Camardella

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